IBEX State Of Health (SOH) is nominal.
Each month spacecraft bus SOH telemetry is trended over the past month and over the entire mission. Each orbit instrument SOH telemetry is reviewed. More in-depth subsystem trend analysis over the entire mission has been performed in 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2016.
All analysis shows no change in thermal trends or subsystem performance, no change needed to operational settings or alarm limits, degradation is less than pre-launch predicts and nothing in the trending precludes another decade of operations.
IBEX state of health by subsystem
IBEX Risks
IBEX has no hardware risks.
IBEX has one open risk associated with the cost of implementing IT security measures and its potential to encroach upon funds allocated for science. This risk does not threaten the successful operation of the spacecraft in the continued IBEX EM.
IBEX Orbit
IBEX pioneered a new class of highly elliptical self-stabilizing lunar-synchronous orbits. The figures below show the 2016 Monte Carlo trajectory analysis for the perigee and apogee altitude. The top figure shows the definitive ephemeris (black) plotted over the baseline 2011 trajectory predicted ephemeris (red) which was performed 2 months after entering the lunar-synchronous orbit. The bottom figure shows the 2016 10-year predict (grey) plotted over the original long term predict (red). The long term predictions continue to agree remarkably well.
Comparison of 2011 5-year predict with definitive orbit
Comparison to 2011 20-year predict with 2016 10-year predict