Magnetosphere data for Stephen Fuselier

Created by Andre Galli, June 4, 2019

The folders contain the raw count rates measured with IBEX-Lo in all 8 energy bins on November 4, 2015,
(orbit 305b) between 02:00 and 06:54 UTC.

Data: Triple coincidence H- rates, binning mode. 
Time resolution: 19 binning data blocks covering on average 925 seconds per block.
No data culling has been applied.

Explanation of file structure for the example of energy bin 7:

o305b_lohb-7.txtcounts -> 
Top panel: Raw counts, organized in spinning angle and data block for entire time window
Lower panels: Time series of counts (accumulated over all 60 spinning angles) before (middle panel) and after secondary
culling (bottom panel). Since no data culling was applied, the lower two panels are identical. 

o305b_lohb-7.txtmatrix.txt -> This is the text file accompanying the top panel of o305b_lohb-7.txtcounts -> Map of the summed counts o305b_lohb-7.txtcounts, organized into the spinning angle vs. orbit format.
The units here are counts per second.

o305b_lohb-7.txt_map.txt -> This is the text file accompanying the map

In addition, the three maps give some wider context of IBEX-Lo observations for the entire orbit 305b for the example of energy bin 7,
comparing the usual data formats from the ISOC website with my software.